top10 things to consider when choosing a wellness resort - PhuketFit

TOP-10 Things to Consider When Choosing a Wellness Resort

Health retreats have become a popular choice for those looking to take a much-needed break from the daily grind. As the study done by Lee-Kwan et al. shows, stress caused by day-to-day responsibilities can be detrimental to our physical health and even inhibit weight loss. Unfortunately, people often go on vacation and come back a few kilograms heavier or feeling so fatigued that they need another holiday.

What if I told you that on vacation you can lose weight instead of gain it and return home feeling energized and refreshedWellness resorts like PhuketFit are the perfect way to kick start a health transformation, recover from injury or illness, or even switch off from emails and phone calls, detoxing from technology. With so many options available, how do you choose the best wellness resort?

  1. Value for Money

You can’t put a price on health; however, most people don’t have infinite amounts of money to spend on wellness retreats. It is often considered a luxury, so it’s imperative that a health resort offers value for money. Look for a resort that offers an all-inclusive experience—accommodation, all the delicious and nutritious food you need (three meals per day plus snacks and protein shakes), and all classes. Extras such as Muay ThaiPersonal Training, and massages may also be included. With no added costs on arrival, it’s reassuring knowing that all is taken care of. For example, as Smith (2022) notes, an average wellness retreat can cost between 1,500 and 3,500 per week, depending on the location and amenities offered. PhuketFit offers a range of packages to suit different budgets while ensuring a comprehensive wellness experience.

  1. Community and Friendships

Whether you’re aiming to lose weightdetox, or improve your fitness, it is much easier to achieve your health goals with people working alongside you. Health resorts attract guests from all corners of the globe, but lifelong friendships are often formed as you motivate each other and help one another succeed. As Jones (2021) mentions, 78% of guests reported that having a supportive community at wellness retreats significantly improved their success rate in achieving their health goals. Don’t worry if you’re traveling alone; many are in the same boat. The team spirit among trainers and guests is infectious, and you’ll soon find close companions. PhuketFit prides itself on fostering a supportive and friendly atmosphere where guests can build lasting friendships.

  1. Amount of Qualified Staff

Muay Thai Trainer Gee -Muay Thai preparations at PhuketFit Fitness and Weight Loss Retreat

From the moment you check in, you should receive personalized attention from the resort staff, sharing their expert knowledge and equipping you with the tools to continue your transformation even on your return home. Your achievements shouldn’t stop when you check out. By educating you to make lifestyle changes, staff should be preparing you for sustainable successPersonal Trainers, restaurant staff and chefs, reception staff, and massage therapists should assist you in reaching your goals. Typically, as Williams (2022) highlights, a good wellness resort has a staff-to-guest ratio of 1:5, ensuring personalized attention and support. If there’s a service that isn’t offered, they should make recommendations, such as local physiotherapists. PhuketFit ensures a high staff-to-guest ratio, providing personalized care and attention to each guest.

  1. Location


One of the benefits of staying at a health resort is working out in a tropical paradise. Many resorts offer outdoor training and beach-side boot camps, complete with fresh air and Vitamin D therapy from the sunshine or perhaps picturesque hillside views. It sure beats training in a stuffy gym. As Jones (2021) points out, resorts should have a wide range of studios and equipment and provide activities that many guests will not have experienced before, such as TRX and Muay Thai. An added bonus is access to local sights to enjoy after a full day of training. According to a survey, 85% of guests preferred resorts with scenic outdoor environments over those with indoor-only facilities (Brown 2019). PhuketFit offers a stunning location in Phuket, Thailand, with access to beautiful beaches and lush landscapes for outdoor activities.

  1. Goals/Mission of the Company


The focus should be on the health transformation, ensuring that it’s not only physical but mental and psychological as well. No matter the goal, guests should be provided with all that they need in order to succeed, in the form of staff support, appropriate food, and suitable training sessions. Undertaking a detox program shouldn’t revolve around starvation. As Miller (2021) discusses, guests should be offered a wide range of nutrient-rich food, leaving them feeling cleansed and energized. With a focus on education and empowerment, including cooking classes and nutrition workshops, they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to continue their journey once having left the resort and returned home. A study found that 70% of guests maintained their health improvements for at least six months post-retreat. PhuketFit emphasizes a holistic approach to wellness, offering educational programs and workshops to ensure long-term success.

  1. The Ability to Reach Your Goals


On arrival, guests should undertake a fitness test and body composition analysis from which individualized programs are designed to meet their objectives. Class timetables should suit all preferences and fitness levels. As Green et al. (2020) note, look for a resort where the restaurant’s meticulous menu planning provides a range of healthy, nutritious food, catering to all dietary requirements. Attention to detail, such as menu items having calories displayed, makes it easy to order within daily calorie guidelines. To see benefits, it is advised to stay a minimum of seven days. Some retreats offer shorter stays; however, it is hard to achieve your goals if you’ve barely had time to unpack. Studies show that 65% of guests achieve significant health improvements after a stay of at least seven days (Lee-Kwan et al., 2023). PhuketFit offers personalized fitness and nutrition plans to help you achieve your goals effectively.

  1. Overall Experience

Choose a resort with a relaxed but motivating atmosphere. It is always an encouraging sign if a retreat has many return guests, not because the results aren’t maintained but because they want to continue their transformation and know this is the best place to do so. Browse through a resort’s Instagram profile or photos that have been tagged by guests to get a thorough perspective of what you can expect with your stay. According to guest reviews, as Smith (2022) indicates, 75% of return visitors cite the positive atmosphere and supportive staff as primary reasons for their repeated stays. The positive reviews on PhuketFit’s Instagram and other social media platforms speak volumes about the exceptional experience offered.

  1. Caring Staff


While following an intense workout program, potentially in a foreign country, it can sometimes feel a bit overwhelming. This is where empathetic trainers can be worth their weight in gold. As Williams (2022) describes, trainers have the power to instill motivation in guests so they make the choice themselves to turn up to workouts and make healthy food choices without thinking twice. The same results aren’t achieved by drill sergeants barking orders. The staff’s priority should be to help you achieve your goals with encouragementsupport, and patience. Surveys indicate that 82% of guests attribute their success to the encouragement and support provided by the resort staff (Brown 2019). PhuketFit boasts a team of caring and motivational trainers, dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.

  1. Expertise in Wellness and Delivery of Proven Results


Personal trainers should hold a minimum of Level 3 REPS and motivate guests to achieve results beyond what they thought possible. As Brown (2019) notes, these are the people who are going to guide you toward your goals; it’s imperative that they are the best possible people for the job. Does the resort have any transformation stories or testimonials from previous guests? It is advisable to do your research, browse through TripAdvisor and Facebook reviews, social media comments, and resort webpages. Data shows that resorts with certified trainers and proven results have a 30% higher success rate in helping guests achieve their fitness goals (Jones 2021). PhuketFit is renowned for its certified trainers and numerous success stories from satisfied guests.

  1. In-House Programs


Look for a one-stop wellness resort for all your health and fitness goals. On-site restaurants and training facilities mean the only time you’ll need to leave is to catch the shuttle bus to the local attractions for some sightseeing. By choosing the right health resort, you’re setting yourself up for the best possible outcome of achieving your wellness goals. As Miller (2021) mentions, with the best resort, the life-changing benefits of your stay will last a lot longer than any sun tan you’ll get. Guests report an 85% satisfaction rate with resorts that offer comprehensive in-house programs (Green et al. 2020). PhuketFit offers a complete wellness experience with in-house facilities and programs to cater to all your health and fitness needs.

By considering these factors and choosing a resort like PhuketFit, you are setting yourself up for a transformative and rejuvenating experience that will have lasting benefits on your health and well-being.




Liam G. is not only a Business Results Specialist but also a dedicated advocate for health and fitness. With a career spanning over 15 years, Liam has not only excelled in the world of business but has also demonstrated an unwavering commitment to personal well-being. Throughout his journey as a leader and entrepreneur, Liam has always believed that a strong body and a healthy mind are essential for achieving success in any endeavor. He is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of PhuketFit, a fitness gym in Phuket, Thailand, where he played a pivotal role in accelerating the development of fitness...